Not Your Ordinary Psychologist

Dr. Tanya Crabb, also known as Dr. Brooklyn Chick, is a powerhouse in Clinical Psychology, renowned for her transformative impact and captivating storytelling. As the author of "Living the Dream: A Military Coming of Age Story," she shares her own remarkable journey as a first-generation college grad, Jamaican immigrant, and Persian Gulf War veteran. With degrees from the City College of New York and the Hawaii School of Professional Psychology, she's dedicated to empowering trauma survivors, veterans, women, and marginalized communities, shedding light on issues of race and diversity.

Beyond her literary accomplishments, Dr. Crabb co-hosts a dynamic podcast and maintains a vibrant social media presence under the moniker Dr. Brooklyn Chick, where she shares insights and inspiration. Through engaging mental health workshops, consultations, and public speaking engagements, she sparks empowerment, resilience, and fosters strong relationships. Fueled by her love for superhero stories, she infuses creativity into her work, igniting meaningful conversations and driving positive transformations. When not immersed in her clinical endeavors, Dr. Crabb can be found lost in a captivating book, crafting compelling narratives, or dancing to the rhythm of life itself. Join her on a journey of growth, healing, and empowerment.

Elevate your event

Dr. Tanya Crabb is not just a captivating speaker; she's a transformative force, infusing her talks with a unique blend of warmth, authenticity, and humor. With her engaging presence and insightful perspective, Dr. Crabb leaves audiences inspired, enlightened, and equipped with practical insights for personal and professional growth. Whether she's addressing corporate events or educational institutions, her talks transcend boundaries, sparking inspiration, fostering learning, and leaving a lasting impact on all who have the privilege of hearing her speak.

